Sieg der Marea Blanca in Madrid. Glückwunsche!

We want to share with you a great victory of the popular movements in Spain. After more than a year of struggle of the Marea Blanca (White Tide, name of the social movement committed to defend the public healthcare system), the government has decline its attempt. The process of privatization … Continue reading

#14D Marea Granate gegen das #KnebelGesetz

El 14 de diciembre se volvió a convocar un Rodea el Congreso contra el “Anteproyecto de Ley Orgánica de Protección de la Seguridad Ciudadana”. Tal y como está planteada, esta ley supone un intento más por recortar aún más nuestros derechos y libertades. De ser aprobada, se trataría de una … Continue reading

Manifest der spanischen Erasmus Studenten. Wir retten Erasmus Wien

Vienna, 16th November 2013. The assembly of Spanish Erasmus students in Vienna, which states to be disassociated with any kind of student representative organ, is born in the student reunion that united in order to defend the Erasmus European exchange Programme , freely decided to gather with the purpose of … Continue reading

16. November: #WirRettenErasmus

#16N Vienna – Saturday 16.November – Save Erasmus! Join the demonstration! Spanish Erasmus students in Vienna are getting organised to defend this European student exchange programme joining the international call coming from Spain On 29th October, the Spanish Government announced a decision (taken without a parliamentary debate) to distribute financial … Continue reading

Weinrote Flut 12.Oktober: Kein Grund zum Feiern

El 12 de Octubre, la Marea Granate, a través de las asambleas locales, convocó distintas acciones, movilizaciones y actos reivindicativos que tuvieron lugar en varias ciudades del mundo. La MG París celebró la fiesta nacional con un contradesfile alternativo al tradicional de las Fuerzas Armadas en España. Fregona en mano … Continue reading

Die Weinrote Flut unterstützt den Bildungsstreik in Spanien 22-24. Oktober

IN DEFENCE OF PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE! IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE STUDENT MOVEMENT IN MEXICO AND CHILE! The Maroon Wave supports the struggle for a public education in Spain, Mexico and Chile. Last year the government of Spain tried to approve an education law (LOMCE), with measures which would imply … Continue reading

¡Si Se Puede! Reisebericht über den spanischen Widerstand 17.10.13

Von den besetzten Häusern in Sevilla, über die Kämpfe der Bergarbeiter in Asturias bis hin zu den Streiks in den Madrider Krankenhäusern. Zwei Monate waren die AktivistInnen Ivan Gardoki (JSF-MG) und Sabine Saloschin (RSO) unterwegs, um die Vielfalt des Widerstands im krisengeschüttelten Spanien zu dokumentieren. 19:00 – Amerlinghaus (Stiftgasse 8) … Continue reading