Unsere Forderungen


(Information taken from the publication of ‚Youth Without Future‘ – From the campaign: We are not leaving, they are kicking us out! , 7th April , 2013)

Behind every migrant there is a unique and personal story. But those different paths have in common something, which comes out of an economic reality that impede them from developing a decent life. And this reality has clear causes, as well as responsible persons, and obiovusly, alternative to all of it. Since 2008, the EU has given to the banks 700,000 million euros. There is no lack of money, there are too many thieves. Unemployment and the labor reforms, the nonexistent access to housing and the dificulties to maintain it, the commodification of public services and the socialization of losses are four of the most pressing problems we are experiencing, but not the only ones.

91% of the employment loss since 2008 is affecting young persons under 35. We have the highest youth unemployment in Europe, nearly 6 out of 10 job seekers do not find any, and the other 40% is fed up of black economy, non-contributory wages,  scholarships that are hiding real job positions, temporary fraudulent contracts or part-time contracts with non-contributory overtime pay.

The commodification of public services has intensified since 2008 and a change in the education model is being imposed through budget cuts. We are witnessing layoffs and growing precarious work conditions of the elementary, high school and university teachers, to the suppression of scholarships and subventions for school meals. The university fees have risen in some campus up to 67%. These are clea exclusionary and segregationist measures.

¿Qué pasa?, ¿Qué pasa?, Que no tenemos casa”: What happens, what happens: that we don’t have a house! 54.4% of the Spanish youth between 18 and 34 live with their parents, the median age of emancipation lies at age 29, and those living outside the parental home spend on average 42% of their salary to pay the rent. We are surrounded by millions of empty houses and still see how they are evicting our families.

They say there is no money to increase or maintain the pensions, or the public health system, however there is still money to pay back the debt that the state acquired by rescuing the banking sector banks and additionally paying the interests of that debtt. They have increased the retirement age and increased up to 35 the contribution years needed to receive a pension. If we can not work, we can not contribute.

We demand the immediate repeal of the Labor Reform and the Employment Plan that will allow young people to work as interns till they are 30 years old. No more interns covering regular wage positions and functions permanently. Reduction of maximum working hours, working less hours to create more jobs. We want a bill of rights to be guaranteed under all circumstances, independently of the person receiving a salary or not.

Education is not for sale, it is to be defended. We demand the withdrawal of the LOMCE (Education Law) and all cuts and measures that have degraded the conditions of the public education sector. Readmission of dismissed temporary teachers. Education should be guaranteed as a fundamental right and we demand the free-of-charge enrollment in the public school system. We believe in an educational model, and contents, not governed by the logic of the market.

We demand the right to return to their homes for the evicted families and the creation of a public park of social housing with those dwellings assumed by the SAREB (The ‚bad bank‘ with private toxic real estate assets that was endorsed to the State, and that shooted up the public debt). The amount of that social renting should not exceed 20% of monthly earnings of the tenants. We also endorse the adoption without modification of the Popular Legislative Initiative presented to the Congress by the PAH (Platform of persons Affected by The Mortgages) and which has back-up of a million and a half signatures.

We demand the repeal of the pension reforms of 2011 and 2013. We demand an earlier retirement age to 60. We want to ensure a basic income guarantee for eradicating social exclusion without this one being conditioned by the degree of contribution. Removing the taxation on basic medicaments, and the repeal of all reforms that have commodified health.

2 Responses to Unsere Forderungen

  1. Pablo Rigual says:

    teneis mi apoyo

  2. Me sumo a la lucha democrática y justa por un mundo, donde no haya violencia para las mujeres y sus hijos. Trabajo y vivienda para todos y todas. Representantes políticos del pueblo. Acabar con el racismo y discriminación para los inmigrantes.

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