Support statement to the mobilizations of the #23November in Spain

Fom JSF – Marea Granate Viena we consider that the situation of political crisis of the Spanish regime, and the resulting dramatic social crisis that we are suffering, demands unitarian and forceful mobilizations. In which the protagonism ought to be assumed by the different social movements in struggle, and in general by the whole working-class.

We consider that the economic scam, and the accelerated drift towards a penal and police state (the last example, is the Citizens Security Law, that wants to be approved by the government, and that represses harshly the social moblizations and political unrest), urges us to fight back together. Additionally, we consider that the struggles that have been taking place lately are visibilizing a dynamic of self-support and active solidarity. Different cross-cutting struggles that tend to incorporate and sum-up diverse layers of society into them. It seems that the ‘tides’ (‘mareas’, name of the different movements in defence of public services) are coming up and that they will clean all the litter accumulated in our political and economic institutions. In this sense, the comrades from the street cleaning services in Madrid gave us an outstanding example last week on how, when we fight back till the last consequences, we win.

The legitimate popular sovereignty, no longer represented in the institutions that have been hijacked by the partitocracy, is the one that has to bring in the streets the illegitimate and fraudulent government down. We will no longer toelrate this despicable scam.

We know that they are afraid. Their different attempts to silence the growing protests, and their institutional ‘coups’ are more a sign of weakness than of strength. And they know that they are being surrrounded. They are conscious that there is nothing more powerful than people experimenting active solidarity and the raising their consciousness to be part of an oppressed and exploited class. They won’t have enough police batons to stop this process.

From Vienna, JSF – Marea Granate, we make a call to support the mobilizations in different parts of the spansh state, and in particular the event of Juicio a la Banca (Trial on the Banks) that will take place in Madrid by the Citizens Justice Tribunal, different assemblies of the 15M movements and Citizens Tide. We, from the distance, we will support these protests by giving visibility through different social networks.

We will fight them #WithoutFear #FromEverywhere


#AllOfThemOut !!

Manifest from Spanish Erasmus students. Save Erasmus Vienna

Vienna, 16th November 2013.

The assembly of Spanish Erasmus students in Vienna, which states to be disassociated with any kind of student representative organ, is born in the student reunion that united in order to defend the Erasmus European exchange Programme , freely decided to gather with the purpose of organizing and carrying through protests facing the involved institutions.

Today, 16th November, the Spanish Erasmus student collective in Austria gathers here to reclaim the right to accomplish our studies abroad, receiving for such accomplishment whole support and compromise from the Spanish and European institutions.

Such support has been recently questioned by the manoeuvres of the Spanish Government, as well as for the procedure of the Autonomous Communities and universities regarding this Programme. During last years, financial helps have been progressively cut down, reducing ridiculously the received amount. There was no measure to stop such cutbacks, and the dismantling policy of the successive governments in Spain.

Last 29th October, on the Official Bulletin of the State it was decided (without previous parliamentary debate), redistributing unequally the economic helps aimed for the Erasmus scholarship holders. In this manner, only the Erasmus students who had received the general scholarship or “MEC scholarship” the previous term (2012/2013) would be granted with the state retribution on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Therefore, thousands of students that are already abroad because of our Erasmus studies were left without grant, after having paid first months of stay, language courses and university taxes from our own pockets or our parents ´pockets.

We have mistrusted the politicians who full their mouths with fake promises for a long time now. The Erasmus Programme is a way to get out of Spain, in order to find a future that wants to be stolen from us. Bearing in mind that the actual scholarship is around 300 Euros monthly at most, a cutback in it means an over effort for our families. In any case, we don´t dedicate that money “to have fun”, since it would be impossible to live like that.

We consider this manoeuvre to be an absolute scam, one more on behalf of the People´s Party (Partido Popular). However, this situation is not surprising considering that, since the crisis began, the following Spanish governments have tried to attack and destroy Public Education through cutbacks and reforms. Last years have been nothing but a succession of attacks to all educational levels. And is actually at University, the future of countries, where we see it clearest: rise of prohibitive taxes; the drastic reduction of investigation budgets; removal of SENECA, the economic help for the SICUE Exchange Programme; and an abusive scholarship policy for most Spanish students. In consequence, the Spanish education finds great difficulty to improve its quality.

Due to this Spanish austericide policy, many people are forced to leave their country behind, as we have. Sadly, this notorious human capital escape is growing, leading to a national exodus in order to find better working conditions and a decent future according to our education and capacities.

We want to make clear that we leave Spain so as to complete our formation, learn a foreign language and know other cultures. Besides, we do this in search of growing as students and as human beings, making use of an essential public programme that unites Europe and encourages cultural- and knowledge-exchange among the inhabitants of the continent. It is us, the Erasmus community, who shapes the Europe that appears on maps.

By virtue of what has been set out, and because we consider the action of the Government to be shameful (regarding to this concrete issue, as well as regarding to the dismantling of Public Education), we demand the resignation of the Minister of Education and Culture, José Ignacio Wert, and the abolition of all the antidemocratic measures he has taken.



I want to thank you all for being here because, unfortunately, social consciousness is not usually promoted by schools. It’s something you have to grow on your own, now more than ever. We have to move, we have to act, either in the streets or from home. Because we’ve seen that Internet can really put some pressure on the media. This fight is not only for us. It’s also for our Erasmus mates of the next year. It’s because we are students and also workers in so many cases. Moreover, it’s because our parents and families, who are the ones paying for this “luxury” that seems to be studding abroad.


And if the government doesn’t want to realize that, we will repeat it thousands of times. We won’t consider ourselves ignorants, despite that’s how they want to treat us like. If the government doesn’t respect us, students and citizens in general, by legalizing such modifications, we will keep on even stronger. No more provocations, no more undercover negotiations, no more “white” promises. We are sick and tired, and they are going to hear us, no matter how far we are.






November 16th: #SaveErasmus

#16N Vienna – Saturday 16.November – Save Erasmus! Join the demonstration!

Spanish Erasmus students in Vienna are getting organised to defend this European student exchange programme joining the international call coming from Spain


On 29th October, the Spanish Government announced a decision (taken without a parliamentary debate) to distribute financial aid for the Spanish Erasmus students according to their parent’s income. Despite the downward mobility and growing poverty in Spain, this hugely narrows down the accessibility of the Erasmus programme.

This triggered broad outcries and rallies all over Europe, taking the government by surprise. Mr Wert, the Spanish Minister of Education, has received massive criticism not only from the EU, but also from some of his own right-wing party colleagues.

Due to this strong resistance, the law has since been partially reversed, meaning that this year’s round of Erasmus will take place as planned. Yet it’s still uncertain how high student’s bursaries will be and if the scholarship scheme will continue the same way next year.

Tomorrow we will pay a visit to the Spanish embassy to affirm our rights to education and transborder learning, and to denounce this crisis and its cuts as hand-made by the very same governments and elites.

Marea Granate Viena will join them and invites you to support them too.

17:00 h – Argentinierstrasse 39 (1040 Vienna)
Save Erasmus! Join the demonstration!


Maroon Wave #12O: No reason to celebrate

El 12 de Octubre, la Marea Granate, a través de las asambleas locales, convocó distintas acciones, movilizaciones y actos reivindicativos que tuvieron lugar en varias ciudades del mundo.

La MG París celebró la fiesta nacional con un contradesfile alternativo al tradicional de las Fuerzas Armadas en España. Fregona en mano y con pinturas de guerra granate en la cara, marcharon por el Boulevard Ménilmontant entonando una conocida melodía popularizada por Manolo Escobar adaptada para la ocasión, para recordar al Gobierno español que, particularmente este año, hay poco o nada que celebrar.

En Londres aprovecharon la convocatoria para plantearse preguntas tales como: ¿cual es el significado de “Hispanidad” y qué la representa hoy por hoy? o ¿Será la “Marca España” un concepto para regenerar la autoestima de un país enajenado en la máscara de sol, playa y ladrillo? Sus reflexiones tuvieron lugar en Tavistock Road, donde montaron su propia Plaza Mayor mientras debatían, poder degustar la conocida “relaxin’ cup of café con leche”, tradición arraigada donde las haya.


En Berlín se congregaron delante de la conocida puerta de Brandenburgo megáfono en mano y leyeron el manifiesto de la MG tanto en castellano como en alemán.

En Brighton se predicó una vez más el granaterismo desde su habitual info table enfrente del Theatro Royal Pavilion informando a los recién llegados y creando debate en la calle.

La MG Viena se congregó en el Sprachenzentrum, la escuela de idiomas, una vieja conocida. Desde su llegada a esa ciudad, la mayoría ha pasado por allí alguna vez. Allí crearon un mosaico con fotos ostentando cartelillos con su opinión personal sobre la “Marca España”, la verdadera y la que algunos pretenden vendernos. Después, para completar la jornada, fueron a un café vienés a charlar.

Al otro lado del charco en Montreal el Colectivo de Inmigrantes Españoles en Montreal (CIEM) dejó a los canadienses boquiabiertos con una presentación sobre la situación económica y social actual de nuestro país. También en Montevideo quedaron para tomar un relaxin’ brebaje en el parque Rodó, donde reunidos planearon el rodaje de su próximo video granatero.

Las movilizaciones no solo tuvieron lugar desde el exilio: en el Estado español también hubo muestras de solidaridad con la Granate en Málaga, Valladolid y Madrid. El apoyo “desde dentro” es fundamental. Algunas personas están planteándose hacer las maletas, otras sin embargo han regresado de nuevo, de forma no siempre voluntaria. Estas personas saben lo que supone dejar tu casa y a los tuyos para buscarte la vida fuera y creemos que pueden ser un nexo de unión muy necesario entre la Marea Granate y su país de origen. Al fin y al cabo, el motivo por el que nos estamos organizando son las injusticias perpetradas en España, que afectan tanto a quienes se quedan como a quienes se van.

En todos los actos del #12O, se repartieron copias multilingües del manifiesto, se trató de dar visibilidad al movimiento y aprovechando que estábamos reunidas, hubo asambleas o charlas informales en las que se abordaron tanto cuestiones retóricas como temas prácticos concernientes al trabajo, la vivienda o el acceso a la sanidad pública como ciudadanos residentes en el extranjero. Asimismo hablamos de democracia participativa y de nuestro derecho de voto pese a residir fuera de España.

No queremos ser exiliados económicos y laborales. Queremos tener la posibilidad de elegir, de poder volver a un país diferente y por eso luchamos por una sociedad distinta desde todas partes.

Artículo publicado en el número 19 del periódico de asambleas Madrid15M (

Interview with a asylum applicant in Vienna

Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (Austria). A classical architecture, straight forms and red colors. Side by side with that other building that got the name, and truly was Secession. It’s hall, plenty of columns and frescos, is the hosting place for asylum applicants. They call themselves “refugee protest“. Here I interview one of them:
Salva: You ask for asylum.
Mr. Jahangir Awan: Many among us have had problems in our places of origin. Prosecution by the talibans, or by the secret services, for example. Some of us belong to peoples that live trapped in between two countries, in areas of conflict. We aim to a normal life, that’s why one year ago we organized a demo to protest against the austrian system of asylum. Often we have to wait up to 5 and 10 years to get an answer to our applications. If they are rejected, we are deported. And in the meanwhile we are not allowed neither to study nor to work. We want to show our troubleshoot to the society, to the media. The authorities refuse to talk with us. We are exposed here to inhuman conditions, and nobody listens to us.We live together. At least we are doing something here in Austria, I hope we are contributing to the future situation. Now it’s the time for the authorities, for the politics. Everything is controlled by the Ministry of Interior.

We want that, at least, our applications get refused, and then we will go somewhere else.
Salva: When the solution to your situation is achieved, what will you do?
Mr. Jahangir Awan: I will move on with my studies in Business Administration. I will start a business, of hotel managment.
Salva: How is the internal dynamic of your group?
Mr. Jahangir Awan: We make assemblies, together refugees and supporting people. We discuss and decide what to do.Salva: Do you have links with the european emigration?
Mr. Jahangir Awan: We are in contact with people in Denmark, in Berlin, and more places. We share our feelings and we are united.

Salva: Just now, you are looking for a place to live.
Mr. Jahangir Awan: Yes, for all of us, 25 people.
Salva: And what are your requirements?
Mr. Jahangir Awan: We demand legal status, working permits.
Salva: Do you also cover the internet side?
Mr. Jahangir Awan: We have a legal workgroup, a press workgroup, … Different people are attending different responsibilities.
Salva: And what can you tell me about international organisms, as United Nations, or the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)?
Mr. Jahangir Awan: They are not interested in us.
Salva: Are you in contact with other refugee camps?
Mr. Jahangir Awan: Yes. The same situations holds all over the world.

Salva: Do you have communication with them in a regular basis?

Mr. Jahangir Awan: Yes.
Mir Jahangir Awan (25 years old)
Salvador Espada Hinojosa (39 years old)

Photo: Gryffindor in Wikimedia Commons